Meaning of LURE in English

I. verb


resist the lure of sth (= resist its attractive quality )

Bond could never resist the lure of a beautiful woman.




But this would not be the way to lure away her Jack.

Smaller banks started working on marketing campaigns designed to lure away disenchanted First Interstate-Wells Fargo customers.

By careful arrangement he had been lured away while preparations were made.

Competition also got rougher, with rival Natural Wonders Inc. of Fremont and similar stores luring away consumers.

Mr Gorman lost his temper and accused Travis of luring away his daughter.

Who saw the children being lured away ?

The biggest task of the Leftist Unity party will be to lure away the working class from the Socialists.


Ivor and Pauline were lured back to Stroud's bungalow at Staunton, on the pretext of discussing the cash settlement.

Year after year he was lured back to the Falls.

Civil servant who cut up the boys he lured back to his house, burned the pieces, buried them.

Mr Florio also authorized aggressive new deals for some big advertisers, luring back General Motors in the process.

We women can not be lured back as long as the extreme right is in control.



Mr Whiteman is hoping to lure professionals away from the major contractors.


The film charts the efforts of a dodgy theatre manager trying to lure the singer back for a last encore.

Once the men are seated in the living room off the inside patio, they try to lure the children into conversation.

He tried to lure Wallace back last year but was frightened off by a £1m price tag.

Johnson also is trying to lure Dallas offensive line coach Hudson Houck to join him with the Dolphins.

Founded in 1900, Beaulieu Vineyard is trying to lure younger wine drinkers.

Joe tried luring the dorados out by dangling a silver fishing lure over the edge of the raft.


Ever since I left the company they have been making attempts to lure me back.

Peasants were lured into joining the People's Army by the promises of large sums of money for their families.

The boy apparently lured the girl into his bedroom and attacked her.

The burglary was set up in order to lure the police officer into an ambush.


Clinton used a state trooper to lure her to a hotel room during a state-sponsored event in 1991.

He's only a seven month old pup and the thieves probably had an easy time luring him away.

It can take months and years to lure new employers to a region.

Ivor and Pauline were lured back to Stroud's bungalow at Staunton, on the pretext of discussing the cash settlement.

Next, she lures him out to her convertible.

The digging and concealing of pits into which animals could be lured was an even greater mental triumph.

The film charts the efforts of a dodgy theatre manager trying to lure the singer back for a last encore.

II. noun


But the lure of this historical explanation is to be resisted.

His descriptions of everything from lures to reels to fish finders read like they are straight out of a company press release.

I had felt the lure of the unexplored, the compulsion to go where others had not been.

I start reeling in the lure .

I started moving the lure when it was already in her beak, but before she could tear it.

Rudolf had some notion of the lure and the seduction of all that.

She explains why these girls need love, direction, education, a way out of the lures of gang life.

Suddenly a fish took the lure .

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