Meaning of GIFT in English

n. & v.


1. a thing given; a present.

2 a natural ability or talent.

3 the power to give (in his gift).

4 the act or an instance of giving.

5 colloq. an easy task.

1. endow with gifts.

2 a (foll. by with) give to as a gift. b bestow as a gift.

Phrases and idioms:

gift of tongues see TONGUE. gift token (or voucher) a voucher used as a gift and exchangeable for goods. gift-wrap (-wrapped, -wrapping) wrap attractively as a gift. look a gift-horse in the mouth (usu. neg.) find fault with what has been given.

Etymology: ME f. ON gipt f. Gmc, rel. to GIVE

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.