Англо-русский перевод PERIOD

1) период, промежуток, интервал

2) цикл

3) продолжительность, длительность

4) полигр. , вчт. точка

5) матем. период

- acceleration period

- admission period

- afterblowing period

- aircraft service period

- base period

- blocking period

- brake-in period

- braking period

- building-up period

- bum-back period

- bum-in period

- calibration period

- choke-on period

- clock period

- coasting period

- color Durst period

- combustion period

- commutating period

- conducting period

- constant failure-rate period

- contact period

- cooling-down period

- cranking period

- crew rest period

- curing period

- cutoff period

- cutting period

- cycle-slip period

- damping period

- debugging period

- delay period

- demonstration period

- deoxidation period

- depreciation period

- development period

- digit period

- domain period

- drilling rig on-stream period

- dwell period

- early failure period

- eclipse period

- electrocarbonization period

- electrolinking period

- emergency period

- encounter period

- exhaust period

- fading periods

- fading period

- field blanking period

- field period

- field-scanning period

- film advancing period

- film dwell period

- flash period

- flashing period

- flight duty period

- flood period

- flush-off period

- forecast period

- frame-scanning period

- frame period

- free period

- free-running period

- freezing period

- fringe period

- frost-free period

- fuel-off period

- half-decay period

- half-life period

- half-value period

- heat deficit period

- heat surplus period

- heat utilization period

- heating period

- heating-up period

- heaving period

- high-water period

- holding period

- holdover period

- horizontal scanning period

- horizontal period

- hunting period

- ice-free period

- idle period

- ignition delay period

- infant mortality period

- initial storage period

- injection period

- intake period

- interstep period

- inverse period

- killing period

- latency period

- limiting storage period

- line-scanning period

- line period

- loading period

- look-ahead period

- low-flow period

- natural heaving period

- natural period

- natural pitching period

- natural rolling period

- natural synoptic period

- obscuring period

- off period

- off-peak period

- on period

- one-half period

- on-off period

- operating period

- oscillation period

- overshoot period

- patent period

- peak-load period

- peak period

- period of decimal

- period of flame drop

- period of flood and ebb

- period of oscillation

- period of validity

- picture period

- pitching period

- pitch period

- plugging period

- preheating period

- prerefining period

- presetting period

- presteaming period

- process period

- pulldown period

- pulse repetition period

- pumping period of well production

- rainless period

- reactor period

- recession period

- recovery period

- refining period

- refrigerating period

- regeneration period

- reverberation period

- rolling period

- roll period

- rotation period

- run period

- running-in period

- runoff period

- sampling period

- scavenge period

- service life period

- service maintenance period

- settled production period

- shaping-up period

- shifting period

- slack period

- snowmelt period

- soaking period

- soak period

- standing period

- starting period

- start-up period

- storage cycle period

- storage period

- switching period

- taking-down period

- tap-to-tap period

- test period

- thousands period

- timing period

- transient period

- unit period

- unloading period

- vertical scanning period

- vertical scan period

- vibration period

- video frame-suppression period

- warm-up period

- warranty period

- wave period

- wear-out failure period

- window period

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.