Англо-русский перевод VOLTAGE

1) напряжение, разность потенциалов

2) потенциал

3) электродвижущая сила, эдс

voltage across smth — напряжение на чем-л.;

voltage applied to smth — напряжение, приложенное к чему-л.;

voltage between phases — междуфазное [линейное] напряжение;

voltage to earth [to ground] — напряжение относительно земли;

to handle voltage — выдерживать напряжение;

voltage to neutral — фазное напряжение

- ac voltage

- accelerating voltage

- active component voltage

- active voltage

- actuating voltage

- adjusting voltage

- aging voltage

- allowable voltage

- alternating voltage

- alternator field voltage

- anode voltage

- applied voltage

- arc voltage

- arc-drop voltage

- arcing voltage

- arc-stream voltage

- average voltage

- back voltage

- background ionization voltage

- backward voltage

- balanced voltage

- balancing voltage

- bandgap voltage

- barrier voltage

- bar-to-bar voltage

- base voltage

- battery voltage

- bias voltage

- bidirectional voltage

- black-out voltage

- blanking voltage

- blocking voltage

- branch voltage

- breakdown voltage

- breakover voltage

- bridge supply voltage

- bucking voltage

- built-in voltage

- burning voltage

- burnout voltage

- bus voltage

- calibration voltage

- capacitor voltage

- carrier voltage

- category voltage

- catenary voltage

- cathode voltage

- ceiling voltage

- cell voltage

- charge voltage

- circuit voltage

- clamp voltage

- clock voltage

- closed-circuit voltage

- commercial-frequency voltage

- commercial-frequency withstand voltage

- common-mode voltage

- commutating voltage

- commutator voltage

- compensating voltage

- complex voltage

- component voltage

- constant voltage

- contact voltage

- control voltage

- convergence voltage

- corona voltage

- corona-onset voltage

- counter voltage

- crest voltage

- critical corona voltage

- critical visual corona voltage

- critical voltage

- current-noise voltage

- current-resistance voltage

- cutoff voltage

- cycling voltage

- dc recovery voltage

- dc voltage

- decelerating voltage

- decomposition voltage

- deflecting voltage

- delta voltage

- design voltage

- dielectric breakdown voltage

- direct voltage

- direct-axis component voltage behind transient reactance

- direct-axis subtransient internal voltage

- direct-axis subtransient voltage

- direct-axis synchronous internal voltage

- direct-axis synchronous voltage

- direct-axis transient internal voltage

- direct-axis transient voltage

- discharge extinction voltage

- discharge inception voltage

- discharge ionization voltage

- discharge voltage

- disruptive discharge voltage

- disruptive voltage

- dissymmetrical voltage

- disturbance voltage

- driving voltage

- drop-away voltage

- dry withstand voltage

- effective voltage

- electric cell voltage

- electrode voltage

- end voltage

- end-point voltage

- equilibrium voltage

- equivalent input noise voltage

- error voltage

- excess voltage

- excitation voltage

- exciter voltage

- extinction voltage

- extinguishing voltage

- extrahigh voltage

- Faraday voltage

- fatal voltage

- feedback voltage

- field voltage

- filament voltage

- final acceleration voltage

- final voltage

- fire-back voltage

- firing voltage

- flash test voltage

- flashover voltage

- floating voltage

- flyback voltage

- focusing voltage

- focus voltage

- formation voltage

- forward voltage

- gas-discharge maintaining voltage

- gate nontrigger voltage

- gate trigger voltage

- gate turn-off voltage

- gate voltage

- gating voltage

- generated voltage

- generator voltage

- glow-discharge sustaining voltage

- grid driving voltage

- ground voltage

- Hall voltage

- heater voltage

- high voltage

- high-level voltage

- ignition voltage

- impedance voltage

- impressed voltage

- impulse testing voltage

- impulse voltage

- impulse withstand voltage

- induced body voltage

- induced voltage

- inductance voltage

- initial ionization voltage

- initial voltage

- injected voltage

- in-phase voltage

- input voltage

- instantaneous voltage

- interference voltage

- internal voltage

- inverse voltage

- ionizing voltage

- junction voltage

- keep-alive voltage

- lagging voltage

- leading voltage

- leakage reactance voltage

- leakage voltage

- lightning impulse flashover voltage

- lightning impulse voltage

- lightning impulse withstanding voltage

- lightning induced voltage

- limit voltage

- limiting voltage

- line voltage

- linearity trim voltage

- line-to-earth voltage

- line-to-line voltage

- loading voltage

- load voltage

- locked rotor voltage

- locking voltage

- logic threshold voltage

- low voltage

- low-level voltage

- mains voltage

- maintaining voltage

- maximum operating voltage

- maximum-power-point voltage

- medium voltage

- modulation voltage

- negative phase-sequence voltage

- negative sequence voltage

- net voltage

- neutral-to-ground voltage

- nodal voltage

- noise voltage

- no-load field voltage

- no-load voltage

- nominal excitation ceiling voltage

- nominal voltage

- normal voltage

- off-load voltage

- offset voltage

- off-standard voltage

- off-state voltage

- one-minute test voltage

- one-minute withstand voltage

- on-load voltage

- on-state voltage

- open-circuit secondary voltage

- open-circuit voltage

- operate voltage

- operating supply voltage

- operating voltage

- out-of-phase voltage

- output voltage

- pace voltage

- partial discharge extinction voltage

- partial discharge inception voltage

- peak arc voltage

- peak reverse voltage

- peak voltage

- peak-point voltage

- peak-to-peak ripple voltage

- peak-to-peak voltage

- per unit voltage

- periodic voltage

- permissible voltage

- phase voltage

- phase-to-ground voltage

- phase-to-phase voltage

- pickup voltage

- pinch-off voltage

- plate voltage

- polarization voltage

- positive-phase-sequence voltage

- positive-sequence voltage

- power-frequency voltage

- preset voltage

- presparkover voltage

- primary voltage

- probe voltage

- protection voltage

- psophometric voltage

- pull-in voltage

- pull-out voltage

- pulsating voltage

- pulse breakdown voltage

- pulse noise voltage

- punch-through voltage

- puncture voltage

- quadrature-axis component voltage behind transient reactance

- quadrature-axis subtransient internal voltage

- quadrature-axis subtransient voltage

- quadrature-axis synchronous internal voltage

- quadrature-axis synchronous voltage

- quadrature-axis transient internal voltage

- quadrature-axis transient voltage

- quiescent input voltage

- quiescent output voltage

- radio interference voltage

- rated impulse withstand voltage

- rated temperature-rise voltage

- rated voltage

- reach-through voltage

- reactance voltage

- receiver voltage

- receiving-end voltage

- recovery voltage

- rectified voltage

- reduced voltage

- reference voltage

- reignition voltage

- release voltage

- repetitive voltage

- residual voltage

- resistance voltage

- resonance voltage

- response voltage

- restoring voltage

- restraining voltage

- restriking voltage

- reverse voltage

- ring voltage

- ring-to-ring voltage

- ripple voltage

- root-mean-square voltage

- running voltage

- safety extralow voltage

- saturation voltage

- sawtooth voltage

- secondary voltage

- self-induction voltage

- sending-end voltage

- sense voltage

- service voltage

- shift voltage

- shock voltage

- short-circuit voltage

- shorting voltage

- shot-noise voltage

- signal voltage

- sine-curve voltage

- sine voltage

- sine-wave voltage

- sinusoidal voltage

- slip-ring voltage

- smoothed dc voltage

- source voltage

- spark-gap breakdown voltage

- sparking voltage

- sparkover voltage

- speed-induced voltage

- speed voltage

- spot cutoff voltage

- square-wave voltage

- stabilized voltage

- standard voltage

- star voltage

- starting voltage

- static breakdown voltage

- station auxiliaries voltage

- steady-state voltage

- step voltage

- stray voltage

- striking voltage

- subtransient internal voltage

- subtransient voltage

- superimposed voltage

- supply voltage

- supply-line voltage

- surge voltage

- sustaining voltage

- sweep voltage

- swing voltage

- switching surge voltage

- switching voltage

- symmetrical voltage

- synchronous generator internal voltage

- synchronous generator voltage

- system voltage

- tank voltage

- tapping voltage

- temperature voltage

- terminal voltage

- testing voltage

- test voltage

- thermal noise voltage

- thermocouple voltage

- thermoelectric voltage

- threshold voltage

- tooth voltage

- touch voltage

- transient internal voltage

- transient recovery voltage

- transient voltage

- transmission-line voltage

- trigger voltage

- tuning voltage

- turnoff voltage

- ultor voltage

- ultrahigh voltage

- unbalanced voltage

- unidirectional voltage

- upper voltage

- variable voltage

- welding voltage

- welding-arc voltage

- wet switching surge withstand voltage

- wet withstand voltage

- withstanding voltage

- withstand voltage

- working voltage

- Y-voltage

- zener voltage

- zero-phase-sequence voltage

- zero-sequence voltage

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.