Англо-русский перевод INVESTMENT

1) инвестирование, помещение капитала

2) иногда pl инвестиции, капитальные вложения, капиталовложения

3) капитальные затраты

4) вложения в ценные бумаги

- investment for a money return

- investments in research and development

- carry out investment

- check investment

- have sole investment responsibility for the funds

- autonomous investment

- business investment

- capital investment

- capital-productive investment

- construction investment

- consumer capital investment

- cumulated net investment

- desired investment

- direct investment

- domestic investment

- endogenous investment

- envisaged investment

- equipment investment

- exogenous investment

- facilities investment

- financial investment

- fixed capital investment

- fixed yield investment

- foreign investment

- government investment

- gross investment

- heading investment

- high grade investment

- highly leveraged investment

- human investment

- humped investment

- induced investment

- inflation-proof investment

- intangible investment

- interest-inelastic investment

- inventory investment

- legal investment for banks

- legal investment for savings banks

- legal investment for trust funds

- long-lived investment

- long-range investment

- long-term investment

- negative investment

- net investment

- nonresidential structures investment

- permanent investment

- portfolio investment

- prime investment

- private investment

- profitable investment

- public investment

- quicker-yielding investment

- real investment

- replacement investment

- residential investment

- safety-stock investment

- short-lived investment

- short-range investment

- short-term investment

- speculative investment

- statutory investment

- tangible investment

English-Russian dictionary of economics and finance.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике и финансам.