Англо-русский перевод TREATY

1) договор (преим. международный); трактат 2) переговоры о заключении договора (в гражданском праве) • treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation — договор о дружбе, торговле и мореплавании treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance — договор о дружбе, сотрудничестве и взаимной помощи - arbitration treaty - bilateral treaty - boundary treaty - commercial treaty - constitutive treaty - contractual treaty - equal treaty - extradition treaty - formal treaty - international treaty - law-making treaty - law treaty - legislative treaty - Moon treaty - multilateral treaty - non-self-executing treaty - open treaty - peace treaty - permanent treaty - private treaty - protectorate treaty - reciprocal treaty - regional treaty - restricted treaty - secret treaty - self-executing treaty - tax treaty - trade treaty - treaty of alliance - treaty of cession - treaty of friendship - treaty of limits - treaty of marriage - treaty of peace - trilateral treaty - unequal treaty

Андрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С.. English-Russian law dictionary .      Англо-Русский юридический словарь.