Англо-русский перевод CENTER

1) центр; середина || центрировать; устанавливать в среднем положении || центральный; средний 2) центровое отверстие || центровать, зацентровывать 3) многоцелевой станок, обрабатывающий центр 4) вычислительный центр; центр подготовки УП, центр автоматизированной подготовки УП 5) начало координат 6) кернер 7) центр, станочный центр 8) сердцевина, ядро; средняя часть; средний слой (многослойного материала) • on center — установленный по оси, установленный по центру to dot center — накернивать - 2 m3 machining center - 5-face machining center - AC and ATC machining center - AC center - acceleration center - adaptive control machining center - antifriction center - area control center - arm center - assembly center - automatic control operation center - automatic switching center - AWT machining center - back center - ball bearing center - bar-chucking and shaft-turning center - bar-machining center - bench centers - blanking center - bore/mill center - branch information center - bridge-type machining center - CAD center - cage center - cage window center - cantilever measuring center - case center - cell-configuration machining center - center of acceleration - center of action - center of cross force - center of curvature - center of gravity - center of lateral pressure - center of lateral resistance - center of lift - center of mass - center of oscillation - center of pressure - center of protected type - center of resistance - center of roll - center of rotation - center of system of parallel forces - center of thrust - chucking center - circular part processing center - CNC fabrication center - CNC machining center - CNC measuring center - CNC micromachining center - CNC plate-fabrication center - CNC turning center - combination grinding/machining center - command center - computation center - computer center - computer gage center - computer graphics center - computer numerically controlled machining center - computer-aided design center - computer-assisted instruction center - computing center - cone center - control center - coordinate inspection center - cutting center - data acquisition and processing center - data center - data distribution center - data gathering center - data processing center - dead center - decision center - departmental STI center - departmental test center - departmental testing center - direct numerically controlled machining center - dispersion center - DNC center - DNC machining center - DNC-controlled machining center - documentation center - double turning center - drill and tapping center - drill/mill center - drilling and milling center - drilling and tapping center - drilling center - drive center - electrical discharge machining center - elevating center - end driver center - extensible centers - fabrication center - fault-finding center - five-face machining center - five-side machining center - fixed center - fixed-column machining center - flame-cutting center - flexible inspection center - flexible machining center - flexible milling machine center - flexible turning center - flexural center - floating center - floor-type machining center - foot stock center - gantry-loaded turning center - gear center - gear cutting center - gear inspection center - gear measuring center - grasping center - grinder work center - grinding center - half center - head center - head-changing machining center - headstock center - high-precision machining center - high-speed machining center - high-technology machining center - hollow center - honeycomb center - horizontal axis machining center - horizontal machining center - horizontal-spindle machining center - hydraulic center - impurity center - index center - information analysis center - information center - inner race spherical center - instantaneous acceleration center - instantaneous center of rotation - instantaneous center - instantaneous velocity center - integrated data processing center - integrated metrology center - integrated production center - internal center - jig boring center - jig-borer-class center - knee-type machining center - laser center - laser cutting center - laser extended machining center - laser machining center - laser/punch center - laser-beam center - lathe center - lift center - live center - load center - low-speed/heavy duty machining center - machine center - machining center - magnetic center - mass center - measuring center - micromachining center - mill/turn center - mill/turning center - mill-drive turning center - milling and drilling center - milling center - milling machine center - milling/drilling center - milling, turning and boring center - milling-turning center - moment center - movable centers - moving-column machining center - moving-column/fixed table center - multifunction machining center - multipallet machining center - multipurpose machining center - NC milling machine center - NC turning center - nondimensioned circle center - operator-controlled machining center - operator-programmed center - outer race spherical center - pallet changer machining center - part-processing center - parts-programming center - pipe center - plasma-arc burning center - plate center - plate-processing center - point-to-point machining center - pool-fed machining center - positioning center - pot center - precision machining center - precision turning center - processing center - production machining center - production turning center - profiling center - programming center - punching and folding center - punching and nibbing center - quality control center - quill-type machining center - ram-type machining center - random nucleation centers - regional information center - reinforced center - revolving center - revolving dead center - robot center - robot/machining center - robotic center - robotic inspection center - robotic welding center - rotary transfer machining center - rotating center - running center - saw/centering center - sawing center - serrated drive center - shaft-and-chucking turning center - shaft-measuring center - sharpening center - sheet metal machining center - sine centers - single-column vertical machining center - single-machining center - single-pallet machining center - slant turn mill center - slideway grinding center - slotted center - slotting/shaping/machining center - small manufacturing center - small-envelope machining center - small-part turning center - software machining center - spring loaded center - state test center - state testing center - stationary center - steel/titanium machining center - strain center - subspindle turning center - subspindle-equipped turning center - super-accurate machining center - support center - suspension center - Swiss-style turning center - table-type machining center - tail center - tailstock center - tap-drive machining center - tapping center - test center - thermal machining center - thrust center - tool management center - tool preset center - tool storage center - tool-setting center - tooth bearing center - track centers - transfer center - transfer-line-ready machining center - traveling column machining center - traveling-type machining center - triangular center - turbine blade machining center - turn-broach center - turning center - turning/boring center - turning/boring/milling center - turning/milling/grinding center - turning-and-chucking center - turning-and-machining center - turn-mill center - turret-type machining center - twin opposed spindle turning center - twin-head turning center - unmanned machining center - unmanned manufacturing center - VBM machining center - versatile production center - vertical machining center - vertical spindle machining center - vertical turning center - vertical turret machining center - vertical/horizontal machining center - vertical-axis machining center - welding center - work center - working center - zero-rpm center

Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства.