Англо-русский перевод LEAF

бот. лист; покрываться листвой, одеваться листьями in leaf — с распустившимися листьями; покрытый листвой to be in leaf; to come into leaf; to leaf out — покрываться листьями, распускаться - abruptly pinnate leaf - abscissed leaf - acerose leaf - acropetal leaf - acuminate leaf - alternate leaf - amplexicaule leaf - apical leaf - basal leaf - bijugate leaf - binary leaf - bipinnate leaf - bipinnately compound leaf - biternate leaf - boot leaf - bottom leaf - cataphyllary leaf - cauline leaf - channeled leaf - clasping leaf - cleft leaf - complete leaf - compound leaf - compound pinnate leaf - concave leaf - cordate leaf - covering leaf - crenate leaf - crinkled leaf - curled leaf - cuspidate leaf - cut leaf - dead leaf - deciduous leaf - decurrent leaf - dedalous leaf - deltoid leaf - dentate leaf - digitate leaf - digitinervate leaf - dissected leaf - divided leaf - dotted leaf - double-serrate leaf - drooping leaf - elliptical leaf - emarginate leaf - ensiform leaf - entire leaf - entire-kind leaf - erect leaf - evergreen leaf - feather-nerved leaf - feather-veined leaf - finger-veined leaf - fistulose leaf - flag leaf - fleshy leaf - floating leaf - golden leaf - halberd-shaped leaf - hastate leaf - heart-shaped leaf - hollow leaf - imparipinnate leaf - impressed leaf - iniial leaf - interruptedly pinnate leaf - isolateral leaf - jacket leaf - kidney-shaped leaf - knobbed leaf - lacerated leaf - laciniated leaf - laminal leaf leaf - lanceolate leaf - linear leaf - linearly lanceolate leaf - lobed leaf - lyrate leaf - moss leaf - obcordate leaf - oblanceolate leaf - obovate leaf - odd-pinnate leaf - opposite leaf - orbiculate leaf - oval leaf - ovate leaf - palmate leaf - palmately compound leaf - palmately lobed leaf - palmately parted leaf - palmatilobate leaf - palmatipartite leaf - palmatisected leaf - parallelinervate leaf - parallel-veined leaf - paripinnate leaf - peltate leaf - perfoliate leaf - persistent leaf - petiolate leaf - pinnate leaf - pinnately compound leaf - pinnately decompound leaf - pinnately veined leaf - pinnatifid leaf - pinnatilobate leaf - pinnatipartite leaf - pinnatisected leaf - pitcher leaf - plicate leaf - primary leaf - primordial leaf - pseudocompound leaf - radical leaf - reniform leaf - reticulate-veined leaf - rhomboidal leaf - ribby leaf - root leaf - sagittate leaf - scabrous leaf - scale leaf - seed leaf - semi-amplexicaul leaf - seminal leaf - serrate leaf - sessile leaf - setaceous leaf - setulose leaf - shade leaf - sheathing leaf - simple leaf - sinuate leaf - sleek leaf - spatulate leaf - spear-shaped leaf - stem leaf - submerged leaf - subulate leaf - summer leaf - sun leaf - tarnished leaf - ternate leaf - three-nerved leaf - tomato yellow leaf - transitional leaf - tripinnately compound leaf - umbrella leaf - undulated leaf - unifacial leaf - unifoliolate leaf - vanilla leaf - variegated leaf - verticillate leaf - water leaf - wedge-shaped leaf - yellow leaf

Чибисова О.И., Смирнов Н.Н.. New English-Russian dictionary of biology.      Новый Англо-Русский словарь по биологии.