Англо-русский перевод ICE

1) лед

2) замораживать

3) замерзать

- anchor ice

- ice anchor

- ice bank

- barrier of ice

- ice beam

- ice belt

- ice berg

- ice blink

- block ice

- ice boat

- ice bound

- ice box

- brash ice

- ice breaker

- breaking up of the ice

- broken ice

- cake ice

- ice cap

- ice chart

- ice clause

- clear of ice

- close ice

- coastal ice

- ice conditions

- compact ice

- drift ice

- ice drift

- driving of ice

- edge of ice

- fast ice

- ice field

- flake of ice

- floe ice

- ice floes

- foot

- force through the ice

- ice forecasting

- forge through the ice

- ice formation

- fresh ice

- heaped up ice

- heavy ice

- hummocky ice

- ice in sheet

- ice jam

- ice is dispersing

- land ice

- ice lane

- light ice

- ice lining

- loose ice

- ice master

- ice motion

- ice needles

- old ice

- open ice

- pack ice

- pancake ice

- ice patrol

- piece of ice

- polar ice

- rafting ice

- ice region

- ice reports

- sailing ice

- sheet ice

- shell ice

- ice signal

- ice sky

- slob ice

- slush ice

- small ice

- ice sole

- stream ice

- ice spieule

- ice strengthening

- thick ice

- thickness of ice

- unbroken ice

- ice yacht

- young ice

English-Russian sea dictionary.      Англо-Русский морской словарь.