Meaning of TROY in English

or Ilium

Ancient city in Troas , northwestern Anatolia.

It holds an enduring place in both literature and archaeology. In literature, it is well known as the location of the Trojan War . The archaeological site, a huge mound at modern Hisarlık on the Heinrich Schliemann (1870–90). It consists of nine major layers dating from the Neolithic Period to Roman times (с 3000 BC–4th century AD). Whether it is the actual city of {{link=Homer">Homer is still debated. In Greek legend, the city was besieged and finally destroyed by the Greeks after a 10-year siege. The heroes of Troy were identified by Schliemann with the Mycenaean s of the Greek Bronze Age, placing the war at с 1200 BC. Its story is told in Homer 's Iliad and Odyssey and in Virgil 's Aeneid .

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.