Meaning of BELT SERIES in English

major division of late Precambrian rocks in North America (the Precambrian lasted from 3.8 billion to 540 million years ago). The series was named for prominent exposures in the Belt Range in southwestern Montana. The thickness of Beltian rocks, which extend northward into Canada, ranges from more than 11,000 m (about 36,000 feet) on the west to about 4,000 m in the east. The upper portions of the Belt Series grade into undoubted Cambrian rocks without apparent interruption, whereas the lower portions are at least 1.5 billion years old, as determined by radiometric-dating techniques. Four divisions of the Belt Series are recognized. The uppermost, or youngest, of these is the Missoula Group, which is underlain in turn by the Piegan Group and the Ravalli Group; older Beltian rocks are termed Pre-Ravalli. Beltian rocks rest on a basement of gneisses and consist of thick deposits of sandstones, shales, sandy shales, and limestones. Although mud-cracked reddish shales occur, gray shales predominate. Limestones and shales are dominant in the east, whereas to the west sandstones and shales are dominant; it is probable that this coarsening of sediment types to the west indicates the presence in Beltian time of a major landmass still farther to the west, perhaps in the region of what is today the state of Washington or British Columbia. Ripple marks in the gray shales show that most Beltian rocks were deposited in shallow water; the reddish shales were probably deposited on low-lying floodplains, but their origin is disputed. The remains of Precambrian organisms have been found in the Belt Series and include stromatolites (carbonate-secreting algal mats) and the burrows of wormlike creatures; more advanced fossils attributed to the Beltian are probably of Cambrian age.

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