Meaning of CHIN DYNASTY in English

Pinyin Jin, Chinese dynasty that comprises two distinct phases-the Western Chin, ruling China from Ad 265 to 317, and the Eastern Chin, which ruled China from AD 317 to 420. The Eastern Chin is considered one of the Six Dynasties (q.v.). In AD 265 a Ssu-ma prince, Ssu-ma Yen, deposed the last of the Ts'ao emperors and established the Western Chin dynasty. Ssu-ma Yen, known as Wu-ti, appears to have been an able and energetic monarch. His court established one of China's earliest legal codes (268). After he overthrew the ruler of Wu (280), China was reunited under one monarch. Wu-ti held most of his domains together, and such was his fame that he may have received envoys from as far away as the Roman Orient. Buddhist philosophy, art, and architecture influenced this dynasty's culture. After Wu-ti's death (290), his successors proved incompetent, plunging the empire into much civil strife. The country was divided among the family, with regional princes behaving as autonomous satraps. Particularly after 300, regicides and abdications were common. As the empire crumbled into decay, it followed the pattern of decline of previous dynasties. Society was feudalistic, essentially controlled by great landowning families, each with hordes of serfs and their private armies. The Hsiung-nu and other northern nomad groups took advantage of the central government's instability to attack the frontier. In 311 the Hsiung-nu sacked the Chin capital of Lo-yang, killing the Chin emperor. The Chin government reorganized under a new emperor in the ancient capital of Ch'ang-an, but this proved only a temporary respite from foreign invasions. In 316 the Chin emperor, a grandson of Wu-ti, surrendered to a chief of the Hsiung-nu, abdicated, and was later put to death. The capture and destruction of the Chin capitals sent shock waves throughout the Chinese world. For more than two centuries after Chin's collapse, China was divided into two different societies, northern and southern, with a proliferation of would-be dynasties. A prince of the Ssu-ma family established a court at Nanking in 317, and this dynasty became known as the Eastern Chin, one of the so-called Six Dynasties. Much of the population of this kingdom consisted of refugees from the north who had fled the barbarian invasions. The Eastern Chin was racked by revolts, court intrigues, and wars with the northern states. Nor did it have any more success than the Western Chin in controlling the power of huge landowners. But whatever the political difficulties, the Nanking court was producing a society of some cultural brilliance. Buddhism exerted a strong influence in this dynasty. It is generally agreed that China's first great genius in painting was Ku K'ai-chih (344-406?), who embellished the Eastern Chin court at Nanking. He is praised as a portraitist and the master of the brushstroke line. Another luminary at this court was Wang Hsi-chih (321-79), the greatest early master of grass script. His son, Wang Hsien-chih, is considered second only to his father in this art. The Eastern Chin dynasty was ably served by its generals, which proved both its salvation and its undoing. The kingdom was able to resist attacks in the north, and in 347 it reconquered Szechwan. Huan Wen, the general responsible for this victory, deposed the reigning emperor and put a puppet ruler on the throne, but both the new ruler and the general died soon after. In 383 the Eastern Chin turned back invading armies of the northern nomads at the battle of Fei River. An uprising led by disaffected landowners started in 400. While the revolt was crushed (402), it led to increasing powers being granted to army leaders. The dynasty followed up the military successes by pushing northwestward (415-417), thereby regaining access to Central Asian trade routes. But the kingdom, weakened by court intrigues, was ripe for a military coup. The first usurper was Huan Hsan, who was soon overthrown by Liu Y, a general whose victorious campaigns against the northern kingdoms had won him great popularity. Liu Y had the reigning emperor killed and set up a puppet ruler, whom he also had killed, finally setting himself on the throne and founding the short-lived Sung (Southern Sung, or Liu-Sung) dynasty.

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