Meaning of CHUNG YUNG in English

( (Chinese: Centre, or Unchangeable), ) Pinyin Zhong Yong, one of four Confucian texts that, when published together in 1190 by Chu Hsi, a great Neo-Confucian philosopher, became the famous Ssu shu (Four Books). Chung yung was chosen by Chu Hsi for its metaphysical interest, which had already attracted the attention of Buddhists and earlier Neo-Confucianists. In his preface, Chu Hsi attributed authorship of the treatise (which was actually a chapter from Li chi, one of the Five Classics of antiquity) to Tzu Ssu (K'ung Chi), a grandson of Confucius (551479 BC). Tzu Ssu presented Chung yung as the central theme of Confucian thought. The two Chinese characters chung yung (often translated doctrine of the mean) express a Confucian ideal that is so broad and so all-embracing as to encompass virtually every relationship and every activity of man's life. In practice, chung yung means countless things: moderation, rectitude, objectivity, sincerity, honesty, truthfulness, propriety, equilibrium, and lack of prejudice. For example, a friend should be neither too close nor too remote. Neither in grief nor in joy should one be excessive, for unregulated happiness can be as harmful as uncontrolled sorrow. One must adhere unswervingly to the mean, or centre course, at all times and in every situation. Such behaviour conforms to the laws of nature, is the distinctive mark of the superior man, and is the essence of true orthodoxy. See also Ssu shu.

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