Meaning of MA-WANG-TUI in English

Pinyin Mawangdui, Chinese archaeological site uncovered in 1963 and located near Ch'ang-sha. It is the burial place of the Marquess of Tai, who lived in the 2nd century BC, and of his immediate family. He was one of many petty nobles who governed small semiautonomous states under the Han dynasty. The tombs were discovered during the construction of a hospital. In tomb number one was found the almost perfectly preserved body of the marquess' wife, which has now been placed on exhibit in a specially designed museum in Ch'ang-sha. In the same tomb, in 1972, was found an exquisite banner that shows the noblewoman on her journey to heaven. This banner has become important for the information that it provides about ancient Chinese religious beliefs and practices. Also uncovered at Ma-wang-tui were lacquers and silks that have shed light on artistic styles of the Han period.

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