Meaning of MAHMUD NEDIM PASA in English

born c. 1818 died May 14, 1883, Constantinople Ottoman diplomat and grand vizier (served 187172 and 187576) whose conservative policies and hostility to reforms permitted Sultan Abdlaziz to become an absolute monarch and thereby destroyed the westernizing reforms introduced by his predecessors. Son of a former governor of Baghdad, Mahmud Nedim held a succession of governorships and ministries. His first tenure as grand vizier came to an end after widespread demonstrations by theological students in Constantinople and after the reform-minded administrator Midhat Pasa personally opposed his policies before the Sultan. By 1875, Mahmud Nedim was basing all his decisions on the advice of Count Nikolay Ignatyev, the Russian ambassador to the Ottoman court. After rebellion in Bulgaria occasioned by Ignatyev's intrigues, Mahmud Nedim became so unpopular that threats were made against his life, and the Sultan had to dismiss him to mollify public opinion.

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