Meaning of MARTOS in English

city, Jan province, in the autonomous community (region) of Andalusia, southern Spain, southwest of Jan city, on a western peak of the Sierra Jabalcuz. Identified with the Roman Colonia Augusta Gemella, Martos was taken from the Moors by Ferdinand III in 1225 and given to the Order of the Knights of Calatrava. The Peon de los Carvajales, a height above the city, is traditionally known as the place from which the Carvajal brotherscommanders of the order who were falsely accused of murderwere hurled to their deaths, under a decree of Ferdinand IV of Castile (1312). The largest olive-growing centre in Spain, Martos produces olive oil, flour, and pottery. In the area are sulfurous springs with bathing establishments. Pop. (1981) 21,672.

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