Additional reading Oeuvres compltes de Maximilien Robespierre, 10 vol. (191067), is a critical edition of his writings. Ernest Hamel, Histoire de Robespierre, 3 vol. (186567), was the first general analysis and critical essay, by an author who did not conceal his sympathy for his subject. Other useful works include J.A. Paris, La Jeunesse de Robespierre et la convocation des tats gnraux en Artois (1870); Albert Mathiez, tudes robespierristes, 2 vol. (191718), The Fall of Robespierre (1927, reprinted 1968; originally published in French, 1925), and Robespierre terroriste (1921), collections of articles tending to rehabilitate Robespierre and justify his political actions; J.M. Thompson, Robespierre, 2 vol. (1935, reprinted 1968), the classic work in English; Peter Richard Rohden, Robespierre: Die Tragdie des politischen Ideologen (1935); Louis Jacob (ed.), Robespierre vu par ses contemporains (1938); Jean Massin, Robespierre (1956); Socit des tudes robespierristes, Bi-Centenaire de la naissance de Robespierre (17581958) (1958); Marc Bouloiseau, Robespierre, 6th ed. updated (1987), and Le Comit de salut public (17931795), 3rd ed. (1980); Gerard Walter, Robespierre, definitive edition, 2 vol. (1961); Waller M. Markov (ed.), Maximilien Robespierre, 17581794 (1958), a collection of articles in German; Actes du colloque Robespierre (1967), 12th International Congress of Historical Sciences; George Rud (ed.), Robespierre (1967), a selection of texts in English, and Robespierre: Portrait of a Revolutionary Democrat (1975); John Laurence Carr, Robespierre: The Force of Circumstance (1972); Jean Matrat, Robespierre (1975; originally published in French, 1971), which draws from the revolutionary leader's papers and speeches in portraying his rise to power; and David P. Jordan, The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre (1985).

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