Meaning of SHATH in English

plural Shatahat, in Sufi Islam, divinely inspired statements that Sufis utter in their mystical state of fana (passing away of the self). The Sufis claim that there are moments of ecstatic fervour when they are overwhelmed by the divine presence to such a degree that they lose touch with worldly realities. In such moments they utter statements that may seem incoherent or blasphemous if taken literally but are perfectly understood by fellow Sufis who have shared the same experiences. Shatahat, Sufis warn, must be interpreted allegorically. Muslim legalists naturally tended to brand as heresy all Sufi shatahat that did not conform to Islamic teachings, and many Sufis suffered persecution on this account. The mystic al-Hallaj, for example, was persecuted and finally executed for his famous cry, I am the Truth. Since the Truth is one of the names of God, legalists interpreted the utterance as a blasphemous claim to divinity. Sufi defenders of al-Hallaj argued that in his mystical state he found himself in union with God. Since the state of mystical trance is normally of short duration, shatahat rarely exceed six or seven words. The Sufis, however, regard all their writings, and particularly their poetry, as possessing an element of shath. For this reason it also must be interpreted allegorically. Among often quoted shatahat are: For the perfect lover, prayer becomes impiety (al-Hallaj). Praise be to me. How great is my majesty! (Bayazid al-Bestami, d. 874). I am the proof of God. Divine omnipotence has a secret; if it is revealed there is an end of the prophetic mission (Ibn Sahl at-Tustari, d. 896). Ritual acts are only impurities (ash-Shibli, d. 945). In my robe there is only God (Ibn Abi al-Khayr, d. 1048). The slave is the Lord and the Lord is the slave; how can one tell which of the two is the debtor? (Ibn al-'Arabi, d. 1240).

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