Meaning of SHIH CHING in English

(Chinese: Classic of Poetry), the first anthology of Chinese poetry. It was compiled by the ancient sage Confucius (551479 BC) and cited by him as a model of literary expression, for, despite its numerous themes, the subject matter was always expressive of pleasure without being licentious, and of grief without being hurtfully excessive (Lun-y). The book, one of the Five Classics (Wu ching), contains 305 poems (and six poem titles) that are classified either as popular songs or as ballads (feng, wind), courtly songs (ya, elegant), or eulogies (sung). Four versions of the Shih ching came into existence after the Ch'in-dynasty ruler Shih Huang-ti ordered the famous burning of the books in 213 BC. The only surviving version contains introductory remarks by Mao Ch'ang, who flourished in the 2nd century BC.

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