Meaning of SPIREA in English

(Spiraea), any of a large genus (nearly 100 species) of flowering shrubs, in the rose family (Rosaceae), native to the North Temperate Zone and commonly cultivated for their pleasing growth habit and attractive flower clusters. The most commonly grownand possibly the most popular of all cultivated shrubsis the Vanhouttei spirea, also called bridal wreath (Spiraea Vanhouttei, produced by a cross between S. cantoniensis and S. trilobata), which grows up to 2 metres (6 feet) high; the graceful arching branches bear numerous white flowers in spring. Other spring-flowering spireas include S. crenata, S. prunifolia, and S. trilobata; summer-flowering species include S. albiflora, S. Bumalda (derived from S. albiflora and S. japonica), S. Billiardii (derived from S. douglasii and S. salicifolia), S. japonica, S. salicifolia, and S. tomentosa. Among the attractive low-growing spireas are the white-flowering snowmound spirea (S. nipponica Snowmound') and the Japanese white spirea (S. albiflora). The alpine Japanese spirea (S. japonica Alpina') bears rose-pink flowers. The popular hybrid Bumalda varieties provide colour variations of both flower and foliage. Plants resembling spirea are the shrubby false spireas (Sorbaria species) and the perennial herbaceous spireas (Astilbe species).

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