Meaning of STATISTICS: MEXICO in English

Mexico Official name: Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States). Form of government: federal republic with two legislative houses (Senate ; Chamber of Deputies ). Head of state and government: President. Capital: Mexico City. Official language: Spanish. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: 1 Mexican peso{1} (Mex$) = 100 centavos; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = Mex$10.25; 1 = Mex$17.45. Demography Population (1998): 95,830,000. Density (1998): persons per sq mi 126.8, persons per sq km 48.9. Urban-rural (1990): urban 71.3%; rural 28.7%. Sex distribution (1995): male 49.88%; female 50.12%. Age breakdown (1995): under 15, 35.9%; 15-29, 30.1%; 30-44, 18.2%; 45-59, 9.5%; 60-74, 4.8%; 75 and over, 1.5%. Population projection: (2000) 98,881,000; (2010) 112,891,000. Doubling time: 27 years. Ethnic composition (1990): mestizo 60.0%; Amerindian 30.0%; Caucasian 9.0%; other 1.0%. Religious affiliation (1995): Roman Catholic 90.4%; Protestant (including Evangelical) 3.8%; other 5.8%. Major cities (1990): Mexico City 9,815,795; Guadalajara 1,650,042; Ciudad Netzahualcyotl 1,255,456; Monterrey 1,068,996; Puebla 1,007,170; Juarez 789,522; Len 758,279; Tijuana 698,752; Mrida 523,422; Chihuahua 516,153. Place of birth (1990): 93.1% native-born; 6.9% foreign-born and unknown. Mobility (1990). Population 5 years and older living in the same state as in 1985: 94.3%; different state 4.9%; unspecified 0.8%. Households. Total households (1992) 17,152,000; distribution by size (1990): 1 person 1.0%, 2 persons 4.3%, 3 persons 8.9%, 4 persons 14.9%, 5 persons 17.4%, 6 persons 15.3%, 7 or more persons 38.2%. Family households (1990): 17,064,507 (98.4%); nonfamily 1,039,738 (1.3%); unspecified 256,554 (0.3%). Immigration (1987): permanent immigrants admitted 72,649. Emigration (1995): legal immigrants into the United States 89,900. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1995): 30.4 (world avg. 25.0); (1983) legitimate 72.5%; illegitimate 27.5%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1995): 4.8 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1995): 25.6 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1995): 3.1. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1994): 7.2. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1995): 0.4. Life expectancy at birth (1994): male 66.5 years; female 73.1 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1995): heart diseases 69.8; malignant neoplasms (cancers) 52.9; accidents 39.0; diabetes mellitus 36.6; cerebrovascular diseases 25.7; cirrhosis of the liver 23.3; conditions originating in the perinatal period 22.5; pneumonia and influenza 21.6; homicide 17.1. Social indicators Access to services (1994). Proportion of dwellings having: electricity 91.1%; piped water supply 82.0%; drained sewage 67.7%. Educational attainment (1992). Percentage of population age 15 and over having: no primary education 14.1%; some primary 22.3%; completed primary 20.7%; incomplete secondary 10.4%; complete secondary 24.2%; higher 8.3%. Quality of working life. Average workweek (1995): 43.4 hours{2}. Annual rate (1992) per 100,000 insured workers for: temporary disability 6,426; indemnification for permanent injury 239; death 18. Labour stoppages (1995): 96, involving 12,249 workers. Average duration of journey to work: n.a. Method of transport: n.a. Rate per 1,000 workers of discouraged (unemployed no longer seeking work): n.a. Social participation. Eligible voters participating in last national election (1991): c. 60%. Population participating in voluntary work: n.a. Trade union membership in total workforce: n.a. Practicing religious population in total affiliated population: national average of weekly attendance (1993) 11%; (1970) weekly attendance 10% of urban dwellers, 25% of rural dwellers; yearly attendance 55% of urban dwellers, 73% of rural dwellers. Social deviance (1991). Criminal cases tried by local authorities per 100,000 population for: murder 60.3; rape 22.4; other assault 301.0; theft 703.8. Incidence per 100,000 in general population of: alcoholism, n.a.; drug and substance abuse, n.a.{3}; suicide (1994) 2.47. Leisure (1985). Favourite leisure activities (average daily paid attendance): cinema 582,416; sporting events 31,518; live theatre 16,400; museums and archaeological sites 12,169; bullfights 3,049. Material well-being (1985). Households possessing: radio 96%; television 73%; washing machine 33%; automobile 29%; telephone 27%; refrigerator 23%. National economy Gross national product (1996): U.S.$314,718,000,000 (U.S.$3,670 per capita). Budget (1994). Revenue: Mex$213,467,00,000{1} (petroleum revenues 24.8%). Expenditures: Mex$221,202,000,000{1} (transfers 53.7%, wages and salaries 19.1%, interest on public debt 12.2%). Public debt (external, outstanding; 1996): U.S.$93,438,000,000. Tourism (1995): receipts from visitors U.S.$6,164,000,000; expenditures by nationals abroad U.S.$3,153,000,000. Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1996): sugarcane 46,980,000, corn (maize) 17,300,000, sorghum 4,817,000, wheat 3,563,000, oranges 3,556,000, bananas 2,158,000, tomatoes 2,145,000, dry beans 1,495,000, mangoes 1,420,000, lemons and limes 1,001,000, apples 645,000, barley 616,000, cottonseed 596,000, grapes 535,000, rice 455,000, soybeans 350,000, pineapples 181,000, strawberries 85,000, walnuts 18,000; livestock (number of live animals) 28,141,000 cattle, 15,405,000 pigs, 10,500,000 goats, 6,250,000 horses, 5,987,000 sheep, 3,550,000 turkeys, 3,270,000 mules, 3,250,000 asses, 386,000,000 chickens; roundwood (1995) 22,034,000 cu m; fish catch (1995) 1,358,000. Mining and quarrying (value of production [metal content] in Mex$'000{1}; 1993): copper 2,236,437; silver 1,339,057; zinc 1,321,759; gold 605,850; iron 530,658; lead 457,307; sulfur 219,833; gypsum 160,139; dolomite 119,728; fluorite 110,838; molybdenum 88,043; manganese 77,918; silica 68,956; bismuth 25,166; celestite 25,045. Manufacturing (gross value of production in Mex$'000{1}; 1994): machinery and equipment 82,169,495; food, beverages, and tobacco products 64,399,498; chemical products 50,455,651; metal products 25,363,292; mineral products 17,074,973; paper and paper products 9,209,617; textiles 8,555,146. Construction (gross value of new construction, in Mex$'000,000{1}; 1985): residential 154,835; nonresidential 168,096. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 144,276,000,000 (143,447,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) 8,898,000 (9,188,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 1994) 972,000,000 (500,000,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) 83,618,000 (89,164,000); natural gas (cu m; 1994) 26,378,000,000 (27,206,000,000). Population economically active (1995): total 35,558,484; activity rate of total population 39.4% (participation rates: ages 15-64, 61.8%; female 32.6%; unemployed 4.7%{4}). Household income and expenditure. Average household size (1992) 4.8; income per household (1989) Mex$3,461{1} (U.S.$1,384); sources of income (1992): wages and salaries 61.5%, property and entrepreneurship 29.1%, transfer payments 7.8%, other 1.6%; expenditure (1992): food, beverages, and tobacco 36.9%, housing (includes household furnishings) 25.2%, transportation and communications 10.1%, clothing and footwear 8.5%, recreation and entertainment 5.5%, health and medical services 3.5%. Land use (1994): forest 25.5%; pasture 39.0%; agriculture 13.0%; other 22.5%. Foreign trade Imports (1996): U.S.$89,468,800,000 (intermediate goods 80.4%; capital goods 12.2%; consumer goods 7.4%). Major import sources: U.S. 75.6%; Japan 4.4%; Germany 3.5%; Canada 1.9%; South Korea 1.3%; France 1.1%. Exports (1996): U.S.$97,922,700,000 (manufacturing goods 82.1%; crude petroleum 10.9%; agricultural goods 3.7%). Major export destinations: U.S. 84.0%; Japan 1.4%; Canada 1.2%; Italy 1.2%; Spain 1.0%; Germany 0.7%. Transport Transport. Railroads (1995): route length (1996) 16,543 mi, 26,623 km; passenger-mi 1,118,000,000, passenger-km 1,800,000,000; short ton-mi cargo 24,509,000,000, metric ton-km cargo 37,243,000,000. Roads (1996): total length 194,054 mi, 312,301 km (paved 36%{5}). Vehicles (1995): passenger cars 8,330,000; trucks and buses 4,221,000. Merchant marine (1992): vessels (100 gross tons and over) 635; total deadweight tonnage 1,495,311. Air transport (1996): passenger-mi 12,901,853,000, passenger-km 20,763,559,000; short ton-mi cargo 1,348,141,000, metric ton-km cargo 1,968,250,000; airports (1996) 83. Education and health Literacy (1995): total population age 15 and over literate 89.6%; males literate 91.8%; females literate 87.4%. Health (1994): physicians 146,021 (1 per 613 persons); hospital beds 74,891 (1 per 1,196 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (1995) 17.5. Food (1995): daily per capita caloric intake 3,136 (vegetable products 84%, animal products 16%); 131% of FAO recommended minimum requirement. Military Total active duty personnel (1997): 175,000 (army 74.3%, navy 21.1%, air force 4.6%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995): 1.0% (world 2.8%); per capita expenditure U.S.$25. {1} The Mexican new peso, equivalent to 1,000 old Mexican pesos, was introduced on Jan. 1, 1993. On Jan. 1, 1996, the name of the currency was changed to Mexican peso. {2} Manufacturing only. {3} Through 1982, cannabis remained the most abused drug. {4} 2nd quarter. {5} 1993.

Britannica English vocabulary.      Английский словарь Британика.