Netherlands Antilles Official name: Nederlandse Antillen (Netherlands Antilles). Political status: nonmetropolitan territory of The Netherlandswith one legislative house (States of the Netherlands Antilles){1}. Chief of state: Dutch Monarch represented by governor. Head of government: Prime Minister. Capital: Willemstad. Official language: Dutch. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: 1 Netherlands Antillean guilder (NA f.)=100cents; valuation (Oct. 5, 1992) 1 U.S.$=NA f. 1.79; 1 =NA f. 3.04. Demography Population (1992): 191,000. Density (1992): persons per sq mi 620.1, persons per sq km 238.8. Urban-rural (1985){2}: urban 92.4%; rural 7.6%. Sex distribution (1992{3}):male 49.03%; female 50.97%. Age breakdown (1990{3}):under 15, 26.2%; 15-29, 26.1%; 30-44, 24.0%; 45-59, 13.8%; 60-74,7.1%; 75 and over, 2.8%. Population projection: (2000) 194,000; (2010) 198,000. Doubling time: 56 years. Ethnic composition (1980){2}:Netherlands Antillean (Dutch/Spanish/black/Amerindian) creole84.0%; white 6.1%; other West Indian 4.9%; Suriname creole 2.9%;other 2.1%. Religious affiliation (1981): Roman Catholic 83.8%; Protestant10.2%, of which Lutheran/Reformed tradition 3.3%, Methodist3.2%, Seventh-day Adventist 1.5%; Jewish 0.3%; nonreligious2.6%; other 3.1%. Major cities (1985): Willemstad (urban area) 125,000;Philipsburg 6,000{4}. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1991): 18.3 (world avg.26.4); (1988{5}) legitimate51.6%; illegitimate 48.4%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1991): 5.8 (world avg. 9.2). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1991): 12.5 (world avg. 17.2). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman;1984){2}: 3.4. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1991): 6.4. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1991): 2.5. Life expectancy at birth (1981){6}:male 71.1 years; female 75.8 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1987){7}: diseases of the circulatory system 205.5; malignantneoplasms (cancers) 150.6; respiratory diseases 41.0; endocrineand metabolic diseases 31.9; accidents 29.0; conditions originatingin the perinatal period 17.5. National economy Budget (1991). Revenue: NA f. 338,100,000 (taxes 71.8%,of which taxes on goods and services 32.4%, import duties 26.1%,property taxes 2.7%; nontax revenue 28.2%). Expenditures: NAf. 351,400,000 (current expenditures 94.3%, of which goods andservices 19.1%, debt service 10.4%, transfer payments 9.2%;capital expenditures 5.7%). Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture,forestry, fishing (value of production in NA f. '000; 1982):eggs 3,863, fruits and vegetables 2,850{8},pork 1,250, goat meat 555; livestock (number of live animals;1991) 14,000 goats, 6,000 cattle, 4,000 sheep, 3,000 pigs; roundwood,n.a.; fish catch (1990) 8,500. Mining and quarrying (1990):unrefined salt 354,000{9};limestone 360,000. Manufacturing (1985): residual fuel oil 6,900,000{10}; ship repair NA f. 48,000,000{11};Curaao liqueur 780 hectolitres; other manufactures includeelectronic parts, cigarettes, textiles, and rum. Construction(number of buildings completed; 1991){6}:residential 547; nonresidential 173. Energy production (consumption):electricity (kW-hr; 1990) 735,000,000 (735,000,000); coal, none(none); crude petroleum (barrels; 1990) none (82,300,000); petroleumproducts (metric tons; 1990) 10,365,000 (1,276,000); naturalgas, none (none). Land use (1990): forested, negligible; meadows and pastures,negligible; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 10.0%;other (dry savanna) 90.0%. Household income and expenditure. Average household size(1981) 3.7; income per household: n.a.; sources of income: n.a.;expenditure (1986){6}:transportation and communications 23.6%, food 19.0%, housing16.8%, household furnishings 10.2%, clothing and footwear 8.4%,recreation and education 6.6%, health 2.3%, beverages and tobacco2.2%, other 10.9%. Gross national product (at current market prices; 1991).U.S.$1,490,000,000 (U.S.$7,800 per capita). Population economically active (1988): total 72,906;activity rate of total population 38.4% (participation rates:ages 15-64, 43.1%{12};female 43.1%; unemployed 20.4%). Public debt (1991): U.S.$375,400,000. Tourism: receipts from visitors (1991) U.S.$450,400,000;expenditures by nationals abroad (1983){2}U.S.$107,000,000. Foreign trade Imports (1990){13}:NA f. 3,842,857,000 (crude petroleum and petroleum products70.4%, machinery and transport equipment 9.7%, food and liveanimals 5.2%, chemicals 3.0%). Major import sources:Venezuela 59.2%; United States 12.3%; The Netherlands 5.7%;Ecuador 5.5%; Mexico 2.5%. Exports (1990){13}:NA f. 3,217,861,000 (crude petroleum and petroleum products96.5%, chemicals 1.4%, machinery and transport equipment 0.6%).Major export destinations: United States 30.6%; DominicanRepublic 7.4%; Venezuela 4.6%; Colombia 3.2%; Cuba 3.2%; Brazil3.2%. Transport and communications Transport. Railroads: none. Roads (1989): total length525 mi, 845 km (paved, n.a.). Vehicles (1992{3}):passenger cars 55,136; trucks and buses 12,511. Merchant marine(1990): vessels (100 gross tons and over) 103{2};total deadweight tonnage, n.a. Air transport (1982){14}:passenger-mi 234,000,000, passenger-km 377,000,000; short ton-micargo 1,243,000, metric ton-km cargo 1,815,000; airports (1992)with scheduled flights 5. Communications. Daily newspapers (1990): total number10; total circulation 95,000; circulation per 1,000 population499. Radio (1991): 125,000 receivers (1 per 1.5 persons). Television(1991): 32,000 receivers (1 per 5.5 persons). Telephones (1991):58,076 (1 per 3.3 persons). Education and health Educational attainment (1981). Percentage of populationage 25 and over having: no formal schooling or some primaryeducation 29.7%; completed primary 31.5%; completed vocationalor secondary 37.6%; completed higher 1.2%. Literacy (1981):total population age 15 and over literate 154,860 (93.8%); malesliterate 73,400 (94.2%); females literate 81,460 (93.4%). Health (1992): physicians 273 (1 per 701 persons); hospitalbeds 1,436 (1 per 133 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000live births (1989) 6.3. Food (1988-90): daily per capita caloric intake 2,681(vegetable products 68%, animal products 32%); 111% of FAO recommendedminimum requirement. Military Total active duty personnel (1992): none; external securityis maintained by The Netherlands via a Dutch naval contingentstationed in the Netherlands Antilles. {1} Aruba withdrew from the Netherlands Antilleson Jan. 1, 1986, becoming an autonomous member of the Kingdomof The Netherlands, the same status as the whole of the NetherlandsAntilles. {2} Includes Aruba. {3} January 1. {4} 1981 census. {5} Excludes Sint Eustatius. {6} Curaao only. {7} Excludes Sint Maarten. {8} Mostly tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, gherkins,melons, and lettuce grown on hydroponic farms; aloes grown forexport, divi-divi pods, and sour orange fruit are nonhydroponiccrops. {9} 1988. {10} 1989. {11} Foreign income in 1986. {12} 1986. {13} Curaao and Bonaire only. {14}ALM Airlines only.

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