Meaning of TOUAT in English

also spelled Tuat, oasis group, west-central Algeria. Situated along the Wadi Messaoud (called Wadi Saoura farther north), the Touat oases are strung beadlike in a northwestsoutheast orientation west of the Plateau of Tademat. The area was brought under Islamic control in the 10th century AD. In modern times the mixed population of Arabs, Berbers, and Haratin (Negroid Berbers descended from former slaves) effectively resisted French subjugation until the early 1900s. The area passed to independent Algeria when the French surrendered control in 1962. Touat proper extends about 75 miles (120 km) along the wadi, from the Gourara oasis group on the north to the Tidikelt oasis group on the south and east. It includes the settlements of Adrar, Fenoughil, Zaouiet Kounta, and Reggane. Adrar is the largest oasis and chief settlement. Irrigated by foggaras (man-made subterranean irrigation conduits), the oases produce high-quality dates, as well as grains and vegetables. An important trans-Saharan motor route passes through the area. Pop. (1977 prelim.) 59,023.

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