Meaning of WHITE, WILLIAM in English

born April 4, 1748, Philadelphia, Pa. died July 17, 1836, Philadelphia first bishop consecrated in England for the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and first presiding bishop of that church. Educated at the College and Academy of Philadelphia (later the University of Pennsylvania), White was ordained in England as an Anglican priest in 1772. During the U.S. War of Independence, after the Loyalist rector of Christ Church, Philadelphia, had returned to England, White received the position and held it until his death. After the war he also served as chaplain to the Continental Congress. In his pamphlet of 1782, The Case of the Episcopal Churches in the United States Considered, he noted that, before the Revolution, Americans went to England for ordination, and he suggested that if the American church could not obtain bishops from England it would have to establish its own episcopate. Although he favoured a continuation of the spiritual legacy of the Church of England, he preferred to sever jurisdictional connections with it and the crown. After the Revolution the scattered remnants of the Church of England in the United States organized as the Protestant Episcopal Church. White was sent to England for consecration as a bishop (1787). Soon after his return he became the first presiding bishop of the church (1787) and served a second time in the same capacity from 1795 until his death. Highly influential in the development of the new church, White wrote on doctrinal matters and assisted in the revision of The Book of Common Prayer for use in the United States.

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