Meaning of SCREECH in English

[verb], [noun] - (to make) a long loud high noise, which is usually unpleasant to hearShe let out a loud screech. [C]The truck stopped with a screech of brakes. [C]It was so upsetting to see the monkeys screeching in the cage. [I]I was woken by a barn owl screeching outside my window. [I]He was screeching with pain/laughter. [I]The children screeched with delight when they saw Father Christmas. [I](humorous) That woman's screeching, not singing! [I]"Don't you dare touch me!" she screeched. [+ speech]The car screeched to a halt/came to a screeching halt/screeched to a standstill (= the brakes or wheels made a loud high noise as the car stopped suddenly). [I](figurative) The economic recovery is likely to screech to a halt (= stop suddenly) if taxes are increased.

Cambridge English vocab.      Кембриджский английский словарь.