Meaning of THULIUM in English

Name: thulium

Symbol: Tm

Atomic number: 69

Atomic weight: 168.93421 (2)

Group in periodic table:

Group name: Lanthanoid

Period in periodic table: 6 (lanthanoid)

Block in periodic table: f-block

CAS registry ID: 7440-30-4

Thulium is the least abundant of the earth elements, and is about as rare as silver, gold, or cadmium.

The pure metal has a bright, silvery lustre. It is reasonably stable in air, but the metal must be protected from moisture. The element is silvery-grey, soft, malleable, and ductile, and can be cut with a knife. It is a rare earth metal found in minerals such as monazite.

Chemistry of the elements English vocabulary.      Английский словарь химии элементов.