Meaning of UNUNOCTIUM in English

Name: ununoctium

Symbol: Uuo

Atomic number: 118

Atomic weight: [ 293 ]

Group in periodic table: 18

Group name: Noble gas

Period in periodic table: 7

Block in periodic table: p-block

CAS registry ID: 54144-19-3

Three atoms of element 118 (ununoctium, Uuo) were synthesizesed by fusing krypton-86 (8636Kr) with lead-208 (20882Pb) in experiments conducted at at The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, (California, USA), The University of Calfornia (USA), and Oregon State University, Corvallis (USA). It is very shortlived and decomposes to element 116.

Chemistry of the elements English vocabulary.      Английский словарь химии элементов.