Meaning of CRITICISM in English



a discourse that evaluates or analyzes something (as a work of art or literature)

read every criticism of the new play

Synonyms: comment, critique, notice, review, reviewal

Related Word: analysis, examination, study; commentary, observation; opinion; appraisal, assessment, estimate, rating


an unfavorable observation or commentary

her recent theatrical offerings have met only with criticism

Synonyms: flak, knock, ||pan, rap, swipe

Related Word: cavil, nit-picking, quibble; aspersion, censure, denunciation; blast; roast

Idioms: bad press

Contrasted words: blurb, puff; hype, plug, promo

Antonyms: commendation

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English vocabulary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь тезаурус.