Meaning of FAVORABLE in English



expressing approval

a favorable recommendation

Synonyms: approbative, approbatory, approving

Related Word: benignant, kind, kindly; recommendatory, well-disposed; commendatory, complimentary, laudatory, praiseful

Idioms: in one's favor

Contrasted words: depreciative, disapprobatory, disapproving, disparaging, uncomplimentary; censorious, condemnatory, critical, faultfinding

Antonyms: unfavorable


Synonyms: pleasant 1, agreeable, good, grateful, gratifying, nice, pleasing, pleasurable, pleasureful, welcome


Synonyms: good 1, advantageous, benefic, beneficial, brave, favoring, helpful, propitious, toward, useful

Related Word: healthful, salutary, wholesome

Contrasted words: disadvantageous, unpropitious; damaging, hampering

Antonyms: unfavorable


Synonyms: timely 1, auspicious, opportune, propitious, prosperous, seasonable, timeous, well-timed


indicative of a successful outcome

favorable conditions for opening a new business

Synonyms: auspicious, benign, bright, dexter, fortunate, propitious, white

Related Word: advantageous, beneficial, profitable; happy, lucky, promising, providential; cheering, encouraging, reassuring

Idioms: full of promise

Contrasted words: calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, disastrous, fatal, fateful, ruinous; baleful, malefic, maleficent, malign, sinister; ill-fated, ill-starred, unlucky; inauspicious, unpromising, unpropitious

Antonyms: unfavorable

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