Meaning of RESOURCE in English



resources plural

Synonyms: mean 3, assets, capital, wealth


resources plural

Synonyms: wealth 2, fortune, property, riches, substance, worth


something to which one turns for assistance in difficulty or need in the absence of a usual means or source of supply

has exhausted every resource he can think of

Synonyms: dernier ressort, expediency, expedient, makeshift, recourse, refuge, resort, shift, stopgap, string, substitute, surrogate

Related Word: contraption, contrivance, device, lash-up; creation, invention; fashion, manner, method, mode, system, way; means, measure, step; artifice, dodge, stratagem, subterfuge; hope, opportunity, possibility, relief

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English vocabulary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь тезаурус.