Meaning of BRIGHT in English

adj. Function: adjective

1 shining or glowing with light FF1C; the bright sun FF1E;

Synonyms: beaming, brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, incandescent, lambent, lucent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent

Related Words: clear, light, undimmed; illuminated, lighted; coruscating, flashing, gleaming, glistening, glittering, scintillating, shimmering, sparkling; blazing, flaming, glowing; burnished, polished, shiny; sunshiny

Contrasted Words: dark, dusky, gloomy, murky, tenebrous; colorless, drab, dreary, lackluster, leaden; somber; cloudy, gray, overcast, shadowy; moonless, starless, sunless; faint, pale, weak

Antonyms: dim; dull


Synonyms: COLORFUL , brave, colory, gay, vivid


Synonyms: GLAD 2, cheerful, cheery, radiant


Synonyms: FAVORABLE 5, auspicious, benign, dexter, fortunate, propitious, white


Synonyms: INTELLIGENT 2, alert, brainy, brilliant, clever, knowing, quick-witted, ready-witted, sharp, smart

Related Words: advanced, precocious

Contrasted Words: retarded

Antonyms: dense, dull


Synonyms: LIVELY 1, alert, animate, animated, ||cant, gay, keen, spirited, sprightly, vivacious

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