Meaning of DESTROY in English

v. Function: verb

1 to bring to ruin FF1C; the army destroyed the enemy village FF1E; FF1C; his health was finally destroyed by drink FF1E;

Synonyms: annihilate, atomize, decapitate, decimate, demolish, destruct, discreate, dismantle, dissolve, dynamite, pull down, pulverize, quench, raze, rub out, ruin, ||ruinate, shatter, shoot, smash, tear down, unbuild, undo, unframe, unmake, wrack, wreck; compare TOTAL 3

Related Words: abolish, extinguish; devastate, pillage, ravage, sack, waste; eradicate, exterminate, extirpate, wipe; mangle, mutilate; rubble; doom

Idioms: blow to bits, bring to an end, dispose of, tear to shreds

Contrasted Words: establish, found, institute, organize; fabricate, fashion, forge, form, make, manufacture, shape; conserve, preserve, protect, save


Synonyms: KILL 1, carry off, cut off, dispatch, down, finish, lay low, put away, slay, take off

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.