Meaning of INCOMPREHENSIBLE in English

adj. Function: adjective

1 lying above or beyond the reach of the human mind FF1C; the incomprehensible universe FF1E;

Synonyms: impenetrable, incognizable, uncomprehensible, unfathomable, ungraspable, unintelligible, unknowable

Related Words: inscrutable, mysterious, mystifying, unsearchable; cryptic, enigmatic, obscure, unclear; imperceptible, indistinguishable

Contrasted Words: cognizable, fathomable, graspable, intelligible, knowable; clear, lucid, plain, simple, straightforward; rational, reasonable

Antonyms: comprehensible, understandable


Synonyms: INCONCEIVABLE 1, unimaginable, unknowable, ununderstandable

Antonyms: comprehensible, graspable

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.