Meaning of INFERIOR in English

n. Function: adjective

1 being or regarded as being below the level of another thing FF1C; the inferior latitudes of the northern hemisphere FF1E;

Synonyms: lesser, low, lower, nether, subjacent, under

Related Words: junior, minor, secondary, subaltern, subordinate

Contrasted Words: greater, higher, over, overlying

Antonyms: superior

2 of little or less importance, value, or merit FF1C; sold inferior goods at high prices FF1E;

Synonyms: common, déclassé, hack, low-grade, mean, poor, second-class, second-drawer, second-rate; compare CHEAP 2

Related Words: average, fair, indifferent, mediocre, middling, ordinary; bad, base, paltry, punk, shoddy, sleazy, sorry, tawdry, tin-pot, wretched; good-for-nothing, lousy, ||no-account, no-good, unworthy, valueless, worthless

Contrasted Words: choice, excellent, first-class, first-rate, high-grade, prime

Antonyms: superior

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.