Meaning of OVERWHELM in English

v. Function: verb


Synonyms: DELUGE 1, drown, engulf, flood, inundate, overflow, submerge, swamp, whelm


Synonyms: DELUGE 3, flood, swamp, whelm


Synonyms: WHIP 2, beat, ||clobber, drub, lick, shellac, smear, smother, thrash, trim

4 to subject to the grip of something overpowering and usually distressing or damaging FF1C; overwhelmed by the death of his only child FF1E; FF1C; human wants that tend to overwhelm environmental realities FF1E;

Synonyms: drown, knock over, overcome, overpower, prostrate, whelm

Related Words: demoralize, devastate, dumbfound, shatter; floor, sink; disturb, upset; destroy, ruin, wreck; downgrade, lower, subordinate

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.