Meaning of SOPHISTICATED in English

adj. Function: adjective


Synonyms: COMPLEX 2, Byzantine, complicated, daedal, elaborate, gordian, intricate, involved, knotty, labyrinthine

Antonyms: unsophisticated

2 being experienced in the ways of the world FF1C; a sophisticated , well-traveled man FF1E;

Synonyms: blasé, disenchanted, disentranced, disillusioned, knowing, mondaine, sophisticate, worldly, worldly-wise, world-wise; compare COSMOPOLITAN 1

Related Words: adult, mature; experienced, practiced, schooled, seasoned; salty, uncelestial; couth, well-bred; smooth, suave, svelte, urbane; bored, jaded, world-weary; brittle; cynical, skeptical

Contrasted Words: artless, gee-whiz, ingenuous, natural; green, inexperienced, unseasoned, virginal; unworldly

Antonyms: naive, unsophisticated

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