Meaning of SUPPRESS in English

v. Function: verb


Synonyms: CRUSH 5, annihilate, extinguish, put down, quash, quell, quench, squash

Idioms: ride roughshod over

2 to hold back more or less forcefully someone or something that seeks an outlet FF1C; management tried to suppress the workers' discontent FF1E; FF1C; there was no way to suppress her short of murder FF1E;

Synonyms: muffle, ||quelch, repress, shush, squelch, strangle; compare CRUSH 5

Related Words: curb, restrain; arrest, check, interrupt; put down, slap down; quash, quell, squash; cut off, spike; abolish, annihilate, extinguish

Idioms: bring to naught, crack ( or clamp) down on, put the kibosh on

3 to keep from public knowledge FF1C; suppress all news from the front FF1E;

Synonyms: burke, hush (up), stifle

Related Words: repress; censor; silence

Idioms: put the lid on

Contrasted Words: disclose, divulge, leak, ||let out, reveal; broadcast, circulate, diffuse, publish, spread


Synonyms: COMPOSE 4, collect, control, cool, re-collect, rein, repress, restrain, simmer down, smother

Related Words: drown; swallow


Synonyms: STUNT , dwarf

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.