Meaning of OLIVE in English

n. & adj.

n. 1 (in full olive tree) any evergreen tree of the genus Olea, having dark-green lance-shaped leathery leaves with silvery undersides, esp. O. europaea of the Mediterranean, and O. africana native to S. Africa. 2 the small oval fruit of this, having a hard stone and bitter flesh, green when unripe and bluish-black when ripe. 3 (in full olive-green) the greyish-green colour of an unripe olive. 4 the wood of the olive tree. 5 Anat. each of a pair of olive-shaped swellings in the medulla oblongata. 6 a any olive-shaped gastropod of the genus Oliva. b the shell of this. 7 a slice of beef or veal made into a roll with stuffing inside and stewed.

adj. 1 coloured like an unripe olive. 2 (of the complexion) yellowish-brown, sallow. olive branch 1 the branch of an olive tree as a symbol of peace. 2 a gesture of reconciliation or friendship. olive crown a garland of olive leaves as a sign of victory. olive drab the dull olive colour of US army uniforms. olive oil an oil extracted from olives used esp. in cookery.

[ ME f. OF f. L oliva f. Gk elaia f. elaion oil ]

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