Meaning of SEKER in English

[Egyptian] The Egyptian god of the Memphis necropolis, and a funerary god. In the Old Kingdom, Seker came to be regarded as a manifestation of the dead Osiris at Abydos in Upper Egypt. Also during this time, he came to be syncretized with Ptah as Ptah-Seker, in which form he took the lioness goddess Sakhmet as his consort. In the Middle Kingdom, the three were sometimes merged in the form Ptah-Seker-Osiris. As god of the necropolis, Seker is also the patron of the craftsmen who are put to work there. He was associated with the manufacture of various objects used in embalming and in funerary rituals. He also played a prominent role at Thebes where he was depicted on the royal tombs. An important annual festival was held in his honor at Thebes. The festival celebrated the resurrection of Osiris in the form of Seker and the continuity of the Egyptian monarchy. At this festival his image was carried in an elaborate boat known as the henu. (A depiction of such a festival can be found on the walls...

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