Meaning of UNIVERSAL KRIGING in English

For the prediction model: Z(s) = U(s) + e(s), in which Z denotes the predicted value, U denotes the global trend, e denotes random, autocorrelated error(autocorrelation + nugget), s indicates the location or point; if the trend U(s) is a linear function of the point coordinates, e.g. U(s) = b0+b1X+b2Y+b3X2+b4Y2+b5XY(a second-order polynomial trend), and this trend vary and the coefficients(b) are unknown, this model is called universal kriging.

Sean Woo's Finance, GIS and real estate English glossary.      Английский глоссарий по ГИС(Географическая информационная система) и недвижимости Sean Woo's Finance.