Meaning of BREAST in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ brest ]

n. & v. --n. 1 a either of two milk-secreting organs on the upper front of a woman's body. b the corresponding usu. rudimentary part of a man's body. 2 a the upper front part of a human body; the chest. b the corresponding part of an animal. 3 the part of a garment that covers the breast. 4 the breast as a source of nourishment or emotion. 1 face, meet in full opposition (breast the wind). 2 contend with (breast it out against difficulties). 3 reach the top of (a hill). øbreast-feed (past and past part. -fed) feed (a baby) from the breast. breast-high as high as the breast; submerged to the breast. breast-pin a brooch etc. worn on the breast. breast-stroke a stroke made while swimming on the breast by extending arms forward and sweeping them back in unison. breast the tape see TAPE. make a clean breast of confess fully. øøbreasted adj. (also in comb.). breastless adj. [OE breost f. Gmc]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.