Meaning of ISTIHAZA in English

One type of blood which is seen by women is called istihaza and a woman in that state is called mustahaza.

Undue menses.

Useful information:

One of the bloods which are discharged from the bodies of women is called istihaza and the woman concerned is called mustahaza 398. Istihaza is usually yellowish and cold and discharges without gush or irritation and is also not thick. It u, however, possible that at times the color of the blood may be red or black and it may also be warm and thick and may be discharged with gush and irritation. 399. There are three kinds of istihaza viz. slight (Qalila] medium (Mutawassita) and excessive (Kathira).

Advanced Islamic English dictionary.      Расширенный исламский словарь английского языка.