Meaning of INSTEAD in English


1. instead of another thing, place, time etc

2. instead of another person


see also



1. instead of another thing, place, time etc

▷ instead /ɪnˈsted/ [adverb]

▪ We didn’t have enough money to go to a movie, so we went to the park instead.

▪ I can’t manage Thursday. Can we meet on Friday instead?

instead of

▪ Can I have soup instead of salad?

instead of doing something

▪ You should talk to your teacher instead of just complaining to me about it.

▷ rather than /ˈrɑːðəʳ ð ə nǁˈræ-/ [preposition]

if you do or choose one thing rather than another, you do or choose the first thing because it seems better :

▪ She uses lemon rather than vinegar in her salad dressings.

▪ Rather than driving around all day looking for somewhere to park, why don’t you take a bus into town?

▷ in place of /ɪn ˈpleɪs ɒv/ [preposition]

if one thing is used in place of another, it is used instead of it or put in the place where the other thing was :

▪ A Walt Disney film is being shown in place of the advertised programme.

▪ For this recipe you can always use olive oil in place of butter.

in something’s place

▪ The newspaper has stopped having a crossword puzzle and in its place they now have a weekly wordsearch competition.

▷ in favour of British /in favor of American /ɪn ˈfeɪvər ɒv/ [preposition]

if you decide not to do, have, or accept one thing in favour of another, you choose the other because you think it is much better :

▪ The original plan was abandoned in favour of a new proposal.

▪ Communist theory and practice has been rejected in favour of American-style capitalism.

▷ in preference to /ɪn ˈpref ə rəns tuː/ [preposition]

if you choose one thing in preference to another thing, you choose it instead of the other thing because you think it is better or more suitable :

▪ In Languedoc, local wines are drunk in preference to wines from other parts of France.

▪ Children often choose high-fat fast foods in preference to fresh, healthy ones.

▷ in lieu /ɪn ˈljuːǁ-ˈluː/ [adverb]

something that is given in lieu of something else is given instead of that thing, especially in a work or business situation :

a day/time off in lieu

▪ Because you worked on Sunday, you can have a day off in lieu.

▪ Occasionally, he makes his staff work overtime and gives them time off in lieu.

in lieu of

▪ They used to give the landlord poultry and eggs in lieu of rent.

2. instead of another person

▷ instead /ɪnˈsted/ [adverb]

▪ Jo couldn’t go to the meeting, so I said I’d go instead.

instead of

▪ Gillespie will play in midfield instead of Cochrane.

▪ I can’t understand why they chose him instead of you -- you’re much better qualified for the job.

▷ in somebody’s place/in place of somebody /ɪn somebodyˈs ˈpleɪs, ɪn ˈpleɪs əv somebody/ [adverb]

if you do something or go somewhere in someone’s place, you do it or go there instead of them because they are not able to go :

▪ Mr Lloyd resigned and asked Mr Graham to serve in his place.

▪ I’m not playing in next week’s game and I’m not sure who will be playing in my place.

in place of somebody

▪ A new manager was appointed in place of Hoddle.

▷ for /fəʳ; strong fɔːʳ/ [preposition]

if you do something for someone, you do it instead of them, especially in order to help them :

▪ The old man downstairs was ill, so Linda said she’d go shopping for him.

▪ You shouldn’t be carrying those heavy cases -- let me do it for you.

▷ on behalf of somebody/on somebody’s behalf /ɒn bɪˈhɑːf əv somebody, ɒn somebodyˈs bɪˈhɑːfǁ-bɪˈhæf/ [adverb]

if you do something on behalf of someone, such as give a speech or making an official decision, you do it instead of them because they have asked you to represent them :

▪ On behalf of everyone here, I’d like to wish you a long and happy retirement.

▪ Richardson’s lawyer agreed to speak to journalists on his behalf.

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