Meaning of LOST in English


1. to be lost

2. to become lost

3. a place where it is easy to get lost


when you can’t find something : ↑ LOSE


1. to be lost

▷ be lost /biː ˈlɒstǁ-ˈlɔːst/ [verb phrase]

to not know where you are, or not know the way to the place that you want to go to :

▪ Excuse me, I’m lost. Could you tell me where the station is, please?

▪ Eventually the three children realized they were lost.

▷ not know where you are /nɒt nəʊ ˌweəʳ juː ˈɑːʳ/ [verb phrase not in progressive]

if you do not know where you are, you do not recognize the place that you are in :

▪ I really don’t know where we are - can I take a look at the map.

▪ By this time she no longer knew where she was, and was beginning to panic.

2. to become lost

▷ get lost /ˌget ˈlɒstǁ-ˈlɔːst/ [verb phrase]

▪ I’ll give you a map so that you don’t get lost.

▪ Sorry we’re so late. We got lost.

▷ lose your way /ˌluːz jɔːʳ ˈweɪ/ [verb phrase]

if you lose your way, you go in the wrong direction or take the wrong road when you are trying to go somewhere :

▪ The climbers had lost their way in the dark.

▪ If you lose your way, just stop and ask someone.

▷ lose your bearings /ˌluːz jɔːʳ ˈbe ə rɪŋz/ [verb phrase]

to become confused about which direction you should be going in, in a place that you do not know well :

▪ She soon lost her bearings in the dense forest.

▪ I was trying to get to the A22 and lost my bearings a bit in all the country lanes.

3. a place where it is easy to get lost

▷ maze/labyrinth /meɪz, ˈlæbərɪnθ/ [countable noun]

a place where it is very easy to become lost, because it has a large number of paths, passages, or narrow streets that cross each other :

maze/labyrinth of

▪ The old town is a labyrinth of narrow streets, with shops selling everything you could imagine.

▪ The complex is a maze of car-ramps and driveways with signs pointing in all directions.

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