Meaning of BE in English



BAD : Meanwhile, Sarah was beginning to be upset.

GOOD : Meanwhile, Sarah was beginning to get upset.

BAD : When she didn't arrive, I started to be anxious.

GOOD : When she didn't arrive, I started to become anxious.


When talking about a change in state, use get/become/grow + adjective (NOT be ): 'I've put a couple of apples in your bag in case you get hungry.' 'The children were growing impatient.'


BAD : After six months he was the general manager.

GOOD : After six months he became the general manager.


When talking about a change in state, use become + noun phrase (NOT be ): 'In 1975 she became leader of the Conservative Party.'


BAD : Nowadays is very difficult to get a job.

GOOD : Nowadays it is very difficult to get a job.


See IT 1 (↑ it )


BAD : On Saturdays is usually a party at someone's house.

GOOD : On Saturdays there is usually a party at someone's house.


See THERE 1 (↑ there )

Longman Common Errors English vocabulary.      Английский словарь распространенных ошибок Longman.