Meaning of AFRESH in English





He would return to such motifs again and again over the years, overworking an existing drawing or destroying and starting afresh .

We had not finished the war, but had to go back to Virginia and start afresh .

We're going to start afresh .

Only if the loudspeaker starts singing a new song will her soliciting start afresh .

I wanted everything to start afresh between you and me.

Analysts think Boeing will most likely start afresh and come up with a real rival early in 2002.

Once he was out of this mess, they could start afresh .

Let me therefore start afresh by looking at the common law.


start afresh/anew

She moved to Texas to start anew after the divorce.

Analysts think Boeing will most likely start afresh and come up with a real rival early in 2002.

He would return to such motifs again and again over the years, overworking an existing drawing or destroying and starting afresh.

I wanted everything to start afresh between you and me.

If nothing else, the legal clock on the case will likely start anew when it returns to the trial court.

Sometimes, staying put is a greater act of courage than pulling up stakes and starting anew.

Stark had taken me to a place where I could shed my former selves and start anew.

We're going to start afresh.

We had not finished the war, but had to go back to Virginia and start afresh.


Everything is progressing, yet everything has to be begun afresh .

Only if the loudspeaker starts singing a new song will her soliciting start afresh .

Our mountains and rivers begin life afresh .

Seen in this light, and in the light of what he had now told me, I studied him afresh .

She begged him to stay so that they could start life afresh as a family.

They see the world afresh , not necessarily the way others believe it to be.

We're going to start afresh .

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