Meaning of ASBESTOS in English





Many of them are in a dangerous condition and at least one contains asbestos .

If the sheet vinyl there now has a white or gray backing, it may contain asbestos .

Only products containing blue asbestos , which is today used only in very small quantities, will now be affected.

The parents said their children would risk their health by being transferred to Kilbowie Primary School because the building contains asbestos .

On Friday 6 June night shift workers again took unofficial action when a mixed material containing asbestos dust spilled.


However, a $ 500 inspection revealed the building needed extensive asbestos abatement and repairs.

Indeed, asbestos is a prime example of how marginal exposure to carcinogens does not cause disease.

Raybestos ruled out the possible compromise of a temporary permission to dump asbestos at the site.

Ruby's solicitor has dealt with a number of asbestos cases connected with the Swindon Works.

The latest find is of white asbestos , less dangerous than the blue variety, provided it is not disturbed.

The rainwater goods, a mixture of plastic, asbestos and cast iron were fit for the scrap heap.

They issued asbestos gloves, but we never carried them.

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