Meaning of AUTOMOBILE in English





Killed last year in an automobile accident .

After an automobile accident , Sayegh, had the red truck repainted.

Case No. 8: 40 year-old woman sustained crushing compound fracture of two fingers in an automobile accident .

Her neck was broken in an automobile accident 13 years ago.

This young guy has an automobile accident - they take him to hospital - his wife breaks down and cries.

Von Halem is recovering from an automobile accident .


The international automobile industry is a typical case where shortening the product development lead time is recognized as a valuable competitive weapon.

I spent 50 years in the automobile industry .

And in the 1960s the Government gave a tax holiday, which lasted 14 years, to the struggling automobile industry .

For example, how are we to identify the automobile industry ?

In the automobile industry , then, current methods contradict traditional wisdom.

The technology of the automobile industry is also, of course, much further advanced than a technology of behavior.

Global competition in the automobile industry has been driving out many of the smaller firms.

Its acreage expanded quickly as a response to demand fuelled by the emergence of the automobile industry .


In another of our cases, a large automobile manufacturer encountered a simple gas-tank problem different from that of the Ford Pinto.

Detroit automobile manufacturers were once famous for doing every-thing themselves.


Although, she thought, as she glanced at him, in truth she'd expected something other than this staid automobile .

He also had started his own business on the side, building model automobiles for slot-car racing.

He treated his automobiles almost as tenderly as he did his wife and three daughters.

Now the automobile has become commonplace.

Personal finances are also determined by the almighty automobile .

The big automobile companies, for example, are moving to work very closely with fewer suppliers.

Vintage automobiles, horsedrawn street cars and traditional marching bands pass alongside quaint old stores and cafes where ragtime music is played.

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