Meaning of BEHOLD in English





The horticultural efforts of individual residents are a joy to behold , and reflect great credit on those concerned.


From Mount Ampenan, and over the rocky coastline and long golden beaches is a sight to behold .

When they were on, they were a sight to behold .&038;.

Nor was it just the execution that attracted them, for the procession itself was a sight to behold .

The Transit Authority meetings are a sight to behold .

His face was not a pleasant sight to behold on awakening.

It was a sight to behold !

All in all a lovely sight to behold .

Four feet eleven inches of skin and bone, but a terrible sight to behold when roused.


be a (beautiful/strange/frightening etc) sight to behold

lo and behold

When we arrived, lo and behold, there was Dave sitting in the front row.

And, lo and behold, it was another rich guy.

So he started exercising regularly and eating low-calorie foods and, lo and behold, trimmed down to a svelte 290.

Treat the wasps with an antibiotic and, lo and behold, two genders reappear among the offspring.


His face was not a pleasant sight to behold on awakening.

If he was not horrible to look at, then he was cruel to forbid her ever to behold him.

It is a popular field of collecting, pleasant to behold and with a spice of magic about it.

Nor was it just the execution that attracted them, for the procession itself was a sight to behold .

The New Victory is glorious to behold .

The rich beauty of Audley End is a pleasure to behold .

Yesterday the sun shone until everything he beheld revealed its dazzle.

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