Meaning of BRANDY in English



brandy butter




She poured him a large brandy .

He would mysteriously shake so badly sometimes that old-timers recommended a large brandy .

Even so, large quantities of brandy and gin were consumed as the men talked.

The waiter at Le Coq d'Or asked Nick Thornton whether his guests should have small or large brandies .

Pouring herself a large brandy , she booked a call to Northumberland, hoping that Nora would be out.

It was led by Captain Pugwash with a large barrel of brandy and a look of extreme self-satisfaction on his face.



Then I filled up the brandy bottle with what I thought was water from a big brown bottle.


Orange rum butter Orange rum butter is a cousin of brandy butter.


They include brandy glasses , a clock, a trinket box and other items.

Alice clutched the brandy glass , then set it down on the coffee table.

He regarded her over the rim of the brandy glass , captivated by her looks.

Emmons said into his empty brandy glass .

Feeling like a character in a split-screen movie, I opened another cupboard and took out two brandy glasses .

They found a brandy glass in the kitchen and the door open.

I played with the dumpy stem of the brandy glass , smirking at Ashley through the candle flame.

The brandy glass chimed pleasantly as the bottle touched its lip.



To the buttery juices in the pan add the brandy and let it sizzle for a few seconds.

Stir in tomato paste and tarragon. Add wine and brandy and simmer for 5 minutes to reduce.

Transfer the meat to warmed plates. Add the brandy to the meat juices and heat for a few seconds before igniting.

Remove the vanilla pod and pass through a sieve or purée in a processor or a blender. Add the brandy .


Bring back the mustard-plasters instantly! Bring brandy and the other medicaments I ordered.

But Jay sat on the bed, she had brought brandy liqueur and crystal glasses.

I heard the consul shouting to somebody to bring brandy .


Enjoying the terror he was creating, Michael drank his brandy in one gulp.

He drinks off the brandy sip by sip and then pours himself another glass.

And a whole lot more besides ... We drink brandy filled with lazy sunshine.

They drank brandy out of water glasses, made jokes about death, illness, and the sufferings of animals and humans.

He drank coffee and brandy , then dived in for another assault, feeling as if the databanks were deliberately obstructing him.

The men drank brandy and ate kichel and returned shortly after to the streets.

His temper was uncertain and he was drinking a great deal of brandy during the evenings.


She ordered herself a brandy and downed it a little too fast.

Charles wanted to order a brandy and drink it in one gulp.

They kept ordering more brandy and all seemed genuinely upset.

He ordered another coffee with brandy .

Donna ordered brandy from the steward and sat gazing at the window of the train.

On the contrary, she would go straight back to the lounge and she would order a brandy .

My voice had nearly gone when I tried to order a brandy .

Comfort piloted her to the nearest seat and hailed the waiter to order a brandy .


She poured him a large brandy .

I carried the telephone into the kitchen, poured a little pear brandy , and sat down with it at the table.

When he was gone Klaus Ebert went across to the decanter and poured himself a second brandy .

She watched as he sat opposite her on the worn old sofa and proceeded to pour the brandy into the glasses.

He immediately went to the sideboard and poured two glasses of brandy .

She poured herself more brandy and sat on the balcony, invisible against the dark room.

He took out a pipe and poured a little brandy .


Sit with the music, blow a little smoke, time enough to snap out of it, sip the brandy .

Aubrey sipped his brandy , nursing the balloon in both hands and studying Langford openly.

Rachel's hand shook as she sipped her brandy .

She sipped brandy , held it on her tongue, set herself alight.


Some even took port or brandy , too.

He started to take a brandy up to her, then decided against it.

One did not take to the brandy at ten o'clock in the morning!

He nodded politely to Wakelate and took the glass of brandy with a crooked little finger.

Southworth returned to his desk, taking the brandy with him.

Donna decided to take her brandy back to her seat with her.

Feeling like a character in a split-screen movie, I opened another cupboard and took out two brandy glasses.

Will you take a spot of brandy ?


Alice clutched the brandy glass, then set it down on the coffee table.

I really can't stand the taste of whisky or brandy .

No more than one hundred are assigned to Wrigley Field for the forty-five thousand Bear fans, with their pints of brandy .

One did not take to the brandy at ten o'clock in the morning!

Otherwise it's months of planning up the wall, and Mr Churchill crying in his brandy .

The men drank brandy and ate kichel and returned shortly after to the streets.

They talked a lot during dinner and then after a couple of brandies, went up to the bedroom.

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